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Process Flow Chart Symbols


There are many types of diagrams that can be used to show workflow. Commonly used examples include:

  • ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Standard Flow Charts: traditional, well-established diagramming technique that can show all business processes
  • Swim Lane/Functional Flow Charts: a more structured flow chart that focuses on interactions between organizational units
  • UML Activity Diagram: based on Use Case diagrams
  • BPD (Business Process Diagrams): process models that use BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) to detail business processes
  • Value Stream Maps: shows all of the actions required to deliver a product or service
  • SIPOC: a Six Sigma tool that maps a process at a high level
  • Geographic Diagrams: maps, floor plans, office layouts that show where work is accomplished
  • Spaghetti Diagrams: uses a continuous flow line tracing the path of an item or activity through a process

If you choose to use a particular type of diagram and are curious about the process flow chart symbols used in each type of flow chart, we created a cheat sheet that is available for download.

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